
Friday, 25 October 2013

The Fashion and Textile museum in London!!

Well, finally I did it ! After nine months in london I managed to visit the Fashion  and Textile museum (FTM)! There are two such museums in london, the one I visited which is located in the fashionable high street of Bermondsey and the other one, the more famous is called the Victoria and Albert museum.    
The FTM is a cutting edge centre for contemporary fashion, jewelry and textiles. Now, the current exhibition  (from 20 sep 2013 until 14 jan. 2014), which I have seen and took same photos for you  is "The Glamour of Bellville Sassoon". Bellville Sassoon (B.S.) is a very famous  British Couture house for aristocrats and royals! B. S. has designed dresses for all the female members of the Royal family apart from Her Majesty the Queen. At the exhibition, apart from the main rooms, there is the royal room where you can see two dresses owned by Princess Diana and some others owned by Princess Michael of Kent (unfortunately I was not allowed to take pictures in that room). Generally  in that exhibition one can see the history of British glamour, from the late 1950s couture houses and the celebrities who became clients of the company, to our times. You can see the progress of fashion in pattern, textile and design, decade by decade! It was indeed interesting and fascinating! There was also a very nice shop with interesting fashion books, impressive jewelry and unique handbags! 
I  totally recommended  it.   

Friday, 18 October 2013

and the winner is.....

Minju Kim with her collection "Dear my friend" inspired by Japanese Manga cartoonist Junji Ito is the winner of H&M design award 2013
Minju kim is a young designer from South Korea who graduated in spring 2013 from the final Masters year at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Minju has designed nine clothing pieces  and two accessories for a line which are available now in selected H&M stores. Playful and colorful dresses, blouses, oversized sweaters and blazers, all of them  with amazing cuts. Minju has  a very unique design signature, she knows how to combine her fantasy with great creativity and   technical skill.
As Ann - Sofie Johansson, H&M 's Creative Head of Design says "these pieces by Minju Kim show H&M's commitment to the future of design and to helping move fashion forward" and i totally agree! 
Let's have a look. . .

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Do you need something ...unique?

Για προσθέστε ακόμα κάτι στο σημειωματάριό σας. . .  ένα μαγαζάκι αλλιώτικο, ένα μαγαζάκι που τα 'χει όλα. . .  από ρούχα, παπούτσια, κοσμήματα μέχρι οικιακά σκεύη. . . αλλά όχι τα συνηθισμένα που μπορείς να βρείς οπουδήποτε. . . ρούχα και παπούτσια που θυμίζουν πολύ, σ΄ εμένα τουλάχιστον, το vintage στυλ, σκεύη -κεραμικά με ζωγραφικά σχέδια, από αυτά που βλέπεις σε κάποια σπίτια και πάντα θα ήθελες τουλάχιστον ένα από αυτά να ήταν στην δικιά σου κουζίνα. Και το καλύτερο δεν σας το είπα ακόμα ... μέσα στο  μαγαζί  υπάρχει και ένα μικρό δωματιάκι που φιλοξενεί κατά περιόδους έργα διαφόρων καλλιτεχνών. Τέλειο; Προσωπικά ενθουσιάστηκα!! Γενικώς κάτι τέτοια μ' αρέσουν πολύ! Αυτή την βδομάδα φιλοξενούσε στο χώρο του, έκθεση κεραμικών πιάτων. . . φωτογράφησα το χώρο με τα κεραμικά πιάτα ώστε και εσείς να δείτε περι τίνος πρόκειται. 
Γράφω γράφω τόση ώρα και το που βρίσκεται ούτε καν πως λέγεται δεν σας το έχω πει:) Αnthropologie λέγεται  .... καθόλου τυχαίο το όνομα .. στο Λονδίνο υπάρχουν 3 μαγαζιά αυτής της φίρμας. Επισκέφτηκα το ένα απ' τα τρία, αυτό που βρίσκεται στο Chelsea, μια από τις πιο αριστοκρατικές συνοικίες του Λονδίνου, και μεταξύ μας, μια από τις αγαπήμενες μου περιοχές για ψώνια και καφεδάκι! 

A new shop, a new entry for your notebook . . . a shop quite different from others, a shop with special character, a shop that has everything; from clothes to shoes, from jewelry to household utensils . . . but not those usual things you can find anywhere. The clothes and the shoes remind, to me at least, the vintage style. The painted/designed kitchenware pottery is the kind of staff you see in some houses and would like to have, at least one of them, in your own kitchen. And I haven't yet told you the best . . . inside the shop, there is a small cubicle where the work of various artists is periodically hosted.  Perfect?  Personally I got really excited.  This week, an exhibition of ceramic plates was hosted there and I took some photos for you; to see for yourselves how interesting this place is!
But I haven’t told you the shop’s name yet, have I ?J . . .  It’s named Anthropologie . . . The brand has three shops in London. . .  I visited one of the three, the one in Chelsea, one of the most exclusive areas of London, and between us, one of my favorite shopping and coffee destinations!!!